Contemporary treatment of the worn dentition Part 3

Saturday 14th October 2023

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

6:30pm meet for nibbles and lectures from 7-9pm

2 vCPD

Archive - This event has now passed

Tooth Wear course is designed to enhance general dental practitioners’ skills in the diagnosis and prosthodontic management of tooth wear.

This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to effectively manage and rehabilitate patients with tooth wear, emphasising a comprehensive prosthodontic approach ultimately improving the quality of patient care in the context of tooth wear.


Understanding tooth wear causes:

  • To provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the various causes of tooth wear, including erosion, abrasion, and attrition.
  • To explore the impact of lifestyle factors, diet, and oral hygiene practices on tooth wear.

Diagnostic skills enhancement:

  • To enhance participants’ diagnostic skills in identifying different types and stages of tooth wear through clinical examination and diagnostic tools.
  • To educate participants on the importance of early detection and intervention in managing tooth wear.

Treatment modalities and options:

  • To familiarise participants with a range of treatment modalities for managing tooth wear, including preventive measures and treating localised and generalised tooth wear
  • To discuss the latest advancements in dental materials and techniques relevant to tooth wear treatment.

Patient education and awareness:

  • To equip participants with effective communication skills for educating patients about the causes, consequences, and preventive measures related to tooth wear.
  • To emphasise the role of patient compliance and lifestyle modifications in managing and preventing tooth wear.

Multidisciplinary approach:

  • To promote collaboration among dental professionals by emphasising the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in managing complex cases of tooth wear.
  • To encourage networking and information exchange between dentists, dental hygienists, and other related healthcare professionals.


Define and classify tooth wear:

Participants should be able to define and classify tooth wear based on aetiology and clinical presentation.

Demonstrate diagnostic techniques:

Participants should develop effective diagnostic techniques, including clinical examination, photography, and the use of diagnostic tools such as study models and diagnostic wax-ups.

Develop treatment plans:

Participants should be able to develop comprehensive treatment plans for patients with various degrees of tooth wear, considering individualised factors such as age, oral hygiene habits, and systemic health.
Explore direct and indirect restoration options including palatal backings

Understand how to perform:

  • Increase in the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and how to plan and record it
  • Jaw registration in the retruded axis position (RAP)
  • Face bow registration

Understand how to control and protect the occlusion in the management of tooth wear.

Hands-on restorative techniques:

Participants should gain practical experience through hands-on exercises related to restorative techniques, including the application of direct composite restorations for rehabilitating patients with localised anterior tooth wear.

Case discussions and problem-solving:

Participants should actively engage in case discussions to analyse and solve complex cases of tooth wear, fostering a collaborative and problem-solving mindset.

The course will be delivered through three workshops;

Workshop 3:

Hands-on Sessions

  • Demonstration of face bow registration and jaw relationship registration in retruded axis position
  • Hands-on exercises on performing composite build ups of anterior teeth using prosthodontic techniques related to localised anterior tooth wear management

Hartog Study Club

We'd love you to come along to one of our thriving Hartog Dental Events, with lively debates and exchange of knowledge it’s a great way to get to know us and acquire your vCPD.

Hartog Dental Events has had speakers from organisations such as the BDA and Dental Protection and promises to cover a wide variety of verifiable CPD from CBCT interpretation, child protection, IR(ME)R, orthodontics, perio/endo lesions and whitening treatments to hypnotherapy, meditation and complementary dentistry.