CPR and Medical Emergencies with Peter Chell
Friday 18th September 2020
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
3 hrs vCPD
CPR and Medical Emergencies
We’d love to see you at our innovative, intensive and hands-on CPR training delivered by Peter Chell the UK’s leading expert in blended resuscitation for dental professionals.
Learning content
Short introductory lecture, followed by practical exercises providing training in the diagnosis and management of medical emergencies in general dental practice.
Aims and objectives
To provide an overview of potential medical emergencies dental staff need to be prepared for in dental practice, including CPR and defibrillation. By the end of this session delegates will be able to demonstrate recognition and immediate first-line treatment of the following:
- Myocardial infarction
- Anaphylaxis & asthma
- Choking
- Hypoglycaemia
- Seizures,stroke,syncope. Practical skill stations include:
- Adult, child & infant CPR & defibrillation and using the recovery position
- Basic airway management and using oxygen
- Abdominal thrusts (used to be Heimlich manoeuvre) on choking manikin
- Using blood glucose testing kit
- Intramuscular injections & using auto-injectors for anaphylaxis
- Demonstration of recommended resuscitation equipment for the dental practice.
Development outcomes
This short lecture, followed by practical stations, contains educational aspects that satisfy all four of the GDC’s development outcomes (A, B, C and D) for verifiable CPD and will help delegates enhance patient care by preparing dental teams for the rapid diagnosis and efficient management of medical emergencies in general dental practice.
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Hartog Study Club
We'd love you to come along to one of our thriving Hartog Dental Events, with lively debates and exchange of knowledge it’s a great way to get to know us and acquire your vCPD.
Hartog Dental Events has had speakers from organisations such as the BDA and Dental Protection and promises to cover a wide variety of verifiable CPD from CBCT interpretation, child protection, IR(ME)R, orthodontics, perio/endo lesions and whitening treatments to hypnotherapy, meditation and complementary dentistry.