Thursday 23rd January 2020
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Drinks from 6:30pm Lecture starts at 7pm
2 hrs vCPD
Recipes and hints and tips for Endodontic success by Anna Bate
This lecture aims to provide an update and practical hands-on training using the latest materials, equipment and evidence-based clinical techniques for the management of endodontic disease.
By the end of this program delegates will be able to demonstrate understanding and practical skill in the following subject areas:
Predictable isolation techniques
Root canal instrumentation
Root canal disinfection techniques
Update on rotary file technology
Obturation update
Monitoring and maintenance of endodontically treated teeth
Developmental outcomes
By the end of this lecture, delegates will be able to enhance patient care by optimising all clinical stages in endodontic therapy. This CPD course meets the criteria for category C of the GDC’s development outcomes.
Sponsored by Dentsply.
Periodontal multidisciplinary care
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 2 vCPD
Periodontal multidisciplinary care - with Maria Evangelidou Specialist periodontist...
CBCT and Endodontic’s – An Update
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 2 vCPD
With Dr Nicola Lyle, Consultant Radiologist and Dr David Rawson-Cain (Endodontics) Dr Nicola Lyle is an establis...
Linda Greenwall all day event
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 6 vCPD
Contemporary aesthetics and restorative strategies for treating patients with advanced tooth wear. Join Linda G...
Update on Oral Surgery
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 2 vCPD
Join Sanjay Sharma discussing some interesting casestudies...
Hartog Study Club
We'd love you to come along to one of our thriving Hartog Dental Events, with lively debates and exchange of knowledge it’s a great way to get to know us and acquire your vCPD.
Hartog Dental Events has had speakers from organisations such as the BDA and Dental Protection and promises to cover a wide variety of verifiable CPD from CBCT interpretation, child protection, IR(ME)R, orthodontics, perio/endo lesions and whitening treatments to hypnotherapy, meditation and complementary dentistry.