Basic Safeguarding children & vulnerable adults
Thursday 23rd April 2020
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
3 hrs vCPD
Basic Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
(Formerly level 1 and 2)
Open to any member of the dental team
Colin Welsh
Colin completed over 30 years of exemplary service with the Metropolitan Police, a significant proportion devoted to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. He spent a total of eight years managing child abuse investigation teams and a further nine years leading major safeguarding inquiries throughout the London area.
He acquired unrivalled experience of intra-familial child homicide investigation and personally led many complex and emotive cases, receiving a number of commendations for his work. He regularly provided safeguarding and investigative training at the Metropolitan Police crime academy and lectured externally to multi-disciplinary audiences both nationally and internationally. He was at the forefront of national safeguarding policy and was sought for advice on many occasions by colleagues in other Police forces and partner agencies. In 2014 he received an award from the National Police Chief”s Council for making a major contribution to improving the national standards of child death investigation.
Colin has also provided support to the Savile inquiry team (Operation Yewtree) and was appointed as a safeguarding consultant by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to the an inquiry into safeguarding issues on the overseas territories of St Helena and Ascension Island.
Basic Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Course (Formerly Level 1 & 2)
- Assessing risk of harm
- Importance of early intervention
- Meaning of common safeguarding terms
- Legal Definitions
- Multi-agency responsibilities
- Duties to respond to safeguarding concerns
- Immediate action in response to a safeguarding concern
- Recording information correctly
- Initial child protection referral process
- Confidentiality and information sharing
- Barriers to taking decisive action
- Dispelling misconceptions
- Other specific safeguarding issues relevant to your profession/role.
- Legal definition of a vulnerable adult
- Vulnerability considerations
- Relevant extracts – Care Act 2014
- Abuse specific to adults at risk
- Relevant extracts – Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Key principles
- Assessing capacity
- Office of Public Guardian and legal considerations
- Other specific safeguarding issues relevant to DSL/managers
- DoLS
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Hartog Study Club
We'd love you to come along to one of our thriving Hartog Dental Events, with lively debates and exchange of knowledge it’s a great way to get to know us and acquire your vCPD.
Hartog Dental Events has had speakers from organisations such as the BDA and Dental Protection and promises to cover a wide variety of verifiable CPD from CBCT interpretation, child protection, IR(ME)R, orthodontics, perio/endo lesions and whitening treatments to hypnotherapy, meditation and complementary dentistry.