The new classification system for Perio disease
Tuesday 17th September 2019
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Drinks from 6:30pm Lecture starts at 7pm
2 hrs vCPD
With Maria Evangelidou, Specialist periodontist.
The new classification system for perio disease
Worked examples of implementation of new classifications in periodontal disease treatment.
The role of the GDP, DCP in diagnosis, management and treatment planning of periodontal disease.
The diagnosis and treatment of Peri-implantitis.
Sponsored by Optident with airflow on exhibition.
Dr Maria Evangelidou, Specialist Periodontist
Maria is a registered specialist periodontist.
She has held a post of Specialist Clinical Teacher at King’s College London as well as teaching in dental meetings and working in private practice.
She started her career in Manchester Dental School in 1994. Following graduation in 1999, she took on several house officer hospital posts while obtaining the MFDS examinations (Member of the Fellowship of Dental Surgery). She then started her 4-year specialist training program in Periodontics at Guy’s Hospital which is part of King’s College London. She holds an MSc, MClinDent and an MRD in Periodontics.
She accepts referrals in non-surgical and surgical periodontics including periodontal plastic surgery and regeneration therapy. She also accepts patients for crown lengthening procedures and dental implants.
Reserve your place for free below.
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Hartog Study Club
We'd love you to come along to one of our thriving Hartog Dental Events, with lively debates and exchange of knowledge it’s a great way to get to know us and acquire your vCPD.
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