- Sarah Adams

Sarah has worked in the dental industry for almost 20 years. She has been working in the Orthodontic department at Portsmouth's Queen Alexandra Hospital alongside Ross Mcdowall for the last 9 years.

GDC Number 146968

Sarah Adams, Orthodontic Therapist

Sarah has worked in the dental industry for almost 20 years. She has been working in the Orthodontic department at Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital alongside Ross Mcdowall for the last 9 years. Sarah has recently gained her Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy Dip Orth Ther RCSed from the Bristol Dental School. Sarah’s passion from Orthodontic started from her own experience of wearing braces, she has a calm and friendly manner and a keen eye for detail. In her free time she can be found out cycling with her family or arranging beautiful flowers.

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