When one of my own children was booked in to see the dentist for fissure sealants, I wanted to know more about them.  Dr Judith Deeprose, from our Botley practice, provided me with all the answers to my questions.

What are fissure sealants?

Fissure sealants are plastic coatings that are painted on to the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant forms a hard, protective layer that stops food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay.

Which teeth should be sealed?

Sealants are only applied to the back teeth – the premolars & molars. These are the teeth that have pits (dips) and fissures (grooves) on their biting surfaces. We can examine your teeth and advise you which ones would benefit from fissure sealing. Shallow pits and fissures may not need sealing. In many patients the teeth naturally form with deep pts and fissures – these can be difficult to clean with normal tooth brushing.

The sealants are a preventive measure, creating a smooth surface which is easier to clean. This reduces the risk of developing tooth decay in these areas.



How are the fissure sealants placed?

The process of placing a fissure sealant is usually quick & straightforward taking only a few minutes per tooth.

The dentist or dental hygienist will clean and prepare the tooth with a special solution. The tooth is then washed & dried. The fissure sealant is applied as a liquid and set hard using a special light. You shouldn’t feel anything whilst the sealant is being applied and the teeth will not feel any different afterwards.



Sealants can be clear or white in colour. Because they are on the back teeth, they cannot be seen when you talk or smile.



How long do fissure sealants last?

Sealants usually last for many years, but we do need to check them regularly to make sure that the seal is intact. They can wear over time and sometimes we will need to add to or replace some sealants to be sure no decay can start underneath them.

When should teeth be fissure sealed?

Sealants can be applied at any time although they are often applied as soon as the permanent teeth start to come through. This is usually between 6 & 12 years of age. The rest are usually sealed as soon as they appear which can be anytime between 11 & 14 years of age.

Do you still need to clean teeth that have been sealed?

It is still important that you continue to clean teeth that have been sealed – sealants are only one part of preventive dental care. It is still essential that teeth are brushed twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. The sealed surfaces will be easier to clean.


If you have any questions about fissure sealants, please ask a member of our dental team.


Infographic from Oral Health Foundation.